French and English articles mostly related to Egypt, Customs, Places, Sites ...Etc... Visit also: ( ) for Powerpoint presentations.
Friday, March 20, 2015
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Bon appétit
Quelle est cette panacée, d'une puissance redoutable,
Qui, en nous rassasiant, nous rend invulnérables?
Qui excite les neurones, stimule la matière grise
Et nous insuffle au cœur une langueur exquise?
Ce met lucullien que l'on sert à la louche,
Et dont l'évocation nous met l'eau à la bouche ?
Chargé de vitamines, potassium, carotène ,
Ce délice des rois, ce pyro-énergène ,
Ce plat sui generis, pour ne pas dire unique,
Dont la réputation remonte aux temps antiques,
Vénéré des Romains, des Hellènes, des Puniques,
De l'Égypte à l'Indus, en passant par l’Afrique,
Ce plat - que dis-je ce plat ? - ce nectar d'Horus
Que Cléopâtre offrait à son amant Julius,
Et l'Empereur Hadrien au bel Antinoüs,
N'est autre que le..."Corchorus olitorius
" ......
Mais loin des quolibets et sourires ironiques
Car c'est, en bon latin, son nom patronymique !
Connu sous d'autres noms au fil des millénaires :
"Molo" pour les modernes, ou "Corrette
potagère" ,
Ce potage capiteux, qui embaume les chaumières,
Dope nos énergies, nos forces immunitaires ...
Dénigré par certains, qui le trouvent
"gluant" ,
Je l'estime, quant à moi, velouté,
CA DONNE L EAU A LA BOUCHE................
Sa robe est d'un vert Nil tirant sur le moiré ;
Très légèrement soyeux, il caresse le gosier.
Selon qu'on y ajoute pain grillé, viande ou riz,
En fonction des recettes, sa consistance varie.
Dûment assaisonné au vinaigre ou citron,
Agrémenté d'ail, de coriandre et d’oignon,
Ce met flatte le palais... et dégage le côlon !
Il est à déguster avec modération,
Car l'excès en tout nuit. Comme l'affirme Aristote,
Les bonnes choses de la vie se savourent en litote ...
Trois conseils sont de mise : Molo , molo ...molo !
Deux assiettées suffisent ; la troisième est de trop
Nous lui devons beaucoup, clamons fort ses mérites
En lui rendant céans l'hommage qu'il mérite .......
(Mario Vicchi,
alias Marius d'Alexandrie, Rome, juin 2014)
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Google Weather in old times "Coptic calendar"
Nobody can predict the weather of Egypt better than Egyptians, so here is your guide to the weather via a very useful calendar.
The Coptic calendar, affiliated with the agricultural seasons, is
inherited from the ancient Egyptian calendar. To summarize the change in
seasons, each Coptic month is accompanied by its own witty proverb
explaining the changing weather.
Tout (Sept 11- Oct 10), Yool lel har mout (‘Kills off
the heat waves’)
Known for its good weather, the proverb explains that this time of the
year is not good for cultivating new crops and it’s the beginning of autumn.
Baba (Oct 11 – Nov 9) Zar3 Baba yeghleb al nahaba (‘Any
theft of crops will hardly be noticed in the harvest of Baba due to its
Hatour (Nov 10 – Dec 9) Abou Al dahab Al Mantour (‘Hatour,
Where gold is scattered everywhere’)
This month is when Egyptian farmers traditionally plant the wheat seeds
and when the corn harvest ripens.
Kihak (Dec 10 – Jan 8) Sabahak Misak, Sheil Eidak men Ghadak w
hotaha fi ashak (‘Your day and night are so close, that you finish
your breakfast only to start dinner’)
At this time of year, days are short and nights are long.
Touba (Jan 9 – Feb 7) Yekhali el sabia karkouba (‘It
causes the young to age’)
Touba is the coldest time of year in Egypt, and as the proverb suggests,
can make even the youngest woman ache from cold.
The month is traditionally divided into three:
Touba - the first ten days which are usually very cold.
Tabtab - the following ten days which make a person shiver (hence the
name tabtab).
Tabateb - the last days that which go back and forth between good
weather and rain.
Amshir (Feb 8 – March 10) Abu al za3abib al keteer, yakhod al
agouza w yeteir (‘Amshir huffs and puffs and even makes an old woman
Amshir is windy and full of sandstorms. Egyptian peasants divided this
month into three:
Mashir - also known as the ten days of the shepherd where it is
deceptively warm.
Mesharshar - the following ten days of the sheep where it is very cold,
rainy and windy and a lot of sheep die in the process.
Sharasher - the last ten days, where old people start to move around and
enjoy the warm weather.
Brahmhat (Mar 10 – Apr 8): Roh el Gheit we hat, qamhat, adsat,
basalat (‘Bramhat, go reap your harvest of wheat, lentils and onions’)
This is Egypt’s harvest season.
Barmouda (Apr 9 – May 8): Daq al Amouda wala yebqa fel gheit
wala ouda (‘Hammering down the stake and not a single green leaf in
the land’)
Barmoud is the season of crop storage and the season of dars, meaning
separating crusts from the seeds through the movement of farm animals tied to
al-nawrag (a wooden handmade cart-like device).
Bashans (May 9- June 7): Bashans yoknos el gheit kans (‘Bashans
sweeps the land’)
It’s post-harvest time, when the land is left to rest, to be ready for
the next sowing season.
Baouna (June 8 – July 7) Naql wa takhzein el mouna, fieh el
harara malouna (Storage season for it’s the season with the hottest weather)
It is close to the flooding season, hence ancient Egyptians learnt to
store their goods really well to keep them away from the flood.
Abib (July 8 - August 9) Abib tabakh el enab wel tein (‘Abib
the cook of grapes and figs’.)
Masry (Aug 7 – Sept 5): Tegri fieh kol ter3a asera (‘All
the streams run in this season’)
Proud Fellaha |
Article from Al-Ahram online 1/2/15
Friday, January 2, 2015
Oldest large-scale dam in the world...
The oldest large-scale dam in the world...
About forty kilometres south of Cairo, close to the town of Helwan, lie the ruins of the
Sadd-el-Kafara ( = “dam of the Pagans”), an embankment dam of great size built
around 2700-2600 BC, discovered over 100 years ago in the old, deep and dry
Garawi ravine. The masonry-faced earthen dam originally measured 14 m height
and 113 m length along the crest and is considered today the oldest dam of such
size known in the world.
Sadd-el-Kafara |
The primal
aim of the dam was to retain the water from rare but violent floods. It could
also ensure water to workers and animals working in exploration of stone and
marble in the nearby quarries, for the construction of the pyramids and the
temples. Never completed, the dam had been under construction for 10-12 years
before being destroyed by a flood. It was only rediscovered by Georg
Schweinfurth in 1885.
Its great
size indicates the dam engineers were not doing experimental work, but they
built it in a very systematic way. Its construction took place in the era when
the Egyptian kings built their pyramids on the other bank of River Nile. There
exist similarities between the stonewalls of the pyramids and the dam. And
still there are many questions that revolve around Garawi valley Dam.
dam stands on a bar of solid rock. It must have been an impressive structure
before the whole of the central part, covering a width of about 36 metes, was
washed away. In his History of Dams, Norman Smith estimated the
reservoir to have had a capacity of nearly 600,000 cubic meters of water. No
mortar was used, as it was not considered to be a sealing material in ancient
despite its importance, and the fact that it remains intact today, the dam is
ignored by tourist agencies. Even visitors interested in archaeology of Egypt
do not usually include it in their plan of visits. Moreover, although the dam
has been discovered already since the late 19th century, it has not been
adequately studied yet.
This case
study presents the Sadd-el-Kafara dam with the aim to better inform people of
its existence and sensitize towards its protection and rehabilitation to fit as
a touristic site.
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